Mark Zuckenberg spent over $400,000,000 on a ballot stuffing scheme which made the difference between a second Trump term and the current Hindenberg Administration. Punishment is in order. Mr. Zuckenberg clearly has too much money to play with for America’s own good.
Fortunately for America I happen to have a high level business plan to administer said punishment, and even some high level design sheets collecting dust in my file cabinet and software collecting cosmic rays on my hard drive. And I did this work years before Facebook got into the censorship and machine politics games. For Facebook has been long guilty of another sort of villainy: frying people’s brains.
In the social media game it pays to be addictive. The longer you can keep people scrolling mindlessly through their feeds, the more ads you can show them. It’s sort of like a gigantic slot machine parlor with gambling replaced with impulse buying.
I am not the first person to notice the problem, not by a long shot. The brain optimizing gurus popular with the smarty pants set have been pontificating about the problem for years. See the writings of Tim Ferris and Cal Newport for examples.