All of this involves quite a bit of labor, but it is satisfying labor, for those who like to live as humans instead of as insects.

I think this is key. As a pampered suburbanite who spent his whole life prior to March 2020 behind a laptop, I've found a surprising amount of joy in digging around in the garden, taking care of the chickens, and learning how to fix things around the house. I know that a lot of others have had similar experiences. We may just deinsectify this world yet!

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Awesome article; indeed, growing corn for ethanol is a crock. Unfortunately a lot of large corn growers depend on it. All so called renewable energy is a crock really but it makes people feel good even if it’s demonstrable that (for example) there is no reduction of emissions from power generation when the so called renewables are introduced into the grid. Oftentimes the emissions increase because the backup generators have to come online quickly rather than hum along at a steady pace. It’s like gunning your car from 0 to 60 or stop and go city driving rather than driving it at a steady speed between 55-65 mph. Because of the cost I think people are going to have to question the renewable energy scams.

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Exactly how bad growing corn for ethanol is is an interesting question. The fermented corn isn't just used for fuel. The oil can be extracted first, and the leftovers can be used as animal feed.

There is a market based way to tell if corn ethanol makes sense, but it will make many Republicans cry. So I'm holding back a bit for now.

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