OK, over nine of the past ten postings I have handed you the keys to putting the Left Coast back into play. I have given you the keys to reestablishing a conservative, nay outright reactionary, foothold on campuses. The time for understanding, rationalizing, and lamenting is over. It's time to take some territory back!
Who is with me!
How many of you are out running for office as a Green RINO? How many of you are working on the campaign of a Green RINO? How many of you are at least recruiting a Green RINO?
Have you even gotten active in your local Republican party? Do you know your precinct chair? Does he or she know you?
How about campus activists. How many of you have started a Students for Sensible Conservation on your campus?
Or how about infiltrators? How many of you have infiltrated your local environmental organizations in or order to bring out their reactionary instincts?
Anyone? Anyone?
My spider sense isn't tingling.
But this is understandable. What I am calling for involves real work. It can involve real expenses. But it can also involve real play. Politics is a sport, complete with the thrill of victory, agony of defeat, and some great after parties. And it can involve some serious aerobic exercise. Try knocking on hundreds of doors in a hilly neighborhood sometime.
More motivation is in order. I could try to craft some super Tony Robbins level of motivational rhetoric to get more of you away from the video game consoles and onto the streets and into the meetings. But I lack the charisma. I could tell you what a great difference you personally could make, but even that would be a borderline fib. It's going to take hundreds of reactionaries to act for it to make a real difference, probably more than the few hundred who read this blog.
So for those insufficiently motivated, I'll throw in a kicker: how about improves status? Social life? How about a wife? That should be pretty good motivation! At least in the days before Atrazine, plasticizers, and online porn, unmarried men have been knows to do incredibly difficult and dangerous tasks in order to obtain a bride, tasks even more challenging than becoming a Green RINO.
And I know there are unmarried men on the Dissident Right, and have read many musings and lamentations on the subject
The lamentations can reach book length:
I have felt your pain. Due to my high level of Numenorean genes I was a late bloomer, which was a real bummer as I was also born just before the Pill came out so the pool of women of similar level of maturity was small, a target poor environment. Also, I'm a power nerd and [was] a libertarian.
Younger generations of conservative/reactionary men have similar, if not worse problems. Our dysfunctional society has poisoned the marriage market horribly. You have to deal with credential inflation, DEI, lack of safe neighborhood starter homes, the decline of Christianity, no official dance moves, a breakdown in civility, Me Too, radical feminism, Tinder, and now the whole sexual deviant grooming thing.
I feel part of your pain. I detect the rest of your pain via long range sensors.
I have a solution -- for those of ye willing to put in the work.
The forces of our age -- economic, biological, and demonic -- have produced a dating desert for single conservative men. See the graphs here:
There are twice as many conservative unmarried men as women. Talk about a target poor environment!
Ye single men in the audience could try to level up your muscles, dance moves, opening lines, fashion sense and/or Game in order to compete over that small pool of suitable women. Consult your local love guru.

Or ye can increase the pool, by either accepting some liberal women and/or converting them. That's where I come in. I have given you the tools. Contemplate: the term "liberal" can mean many different things:
Big government
Questioning Authority
Cheerleading Authority
Bat shit crazy woke
You don't want Bat shit crazy woke. Let such women marry soy boys, other women, or even themselves. But you can work with Egalitarian and Environmental. Populism is a form of egalitarianism, albeit a form which spreads out the responsibility and authority along with the material goodies. So there is overlap between populism and liberalism, especially the liberalism of a couple decades ago.
"...couple decades ago." That's right, the term "liberal" also used to connote calls for peace and free speech. These are now the domains of the Dissident Right. But there are still liberals who believe in these values.
But I submit that the real opportunity for lonely Reactionaries is caring for the environment. Deep Environmentalism is deeply Reactionary, as I have explained over the course of this Rule. You can out Green the opposition without being a simp or sissy. Indeed, you can renew you Man Card by growing organic food, mixing non-toxic personal care products, humanely raising food animals, brewing biofuels, setting up cogeneration generators, or installing solar panels. Eco-technology and survivalism go together naturally.
And if you do your homework and run the numbers you can Mansplain and get applauded for it.
But you have to Care.
Caring Can be Sexy
Time for a case study: my own early love life or lack thereof. Ideology affects matrimony potential, and I have experienced the effect directly as a former full-on libertarian.
Full-on libertarianism is babe-repellent for the most part. Yes, there are women in the Libertarian movement. Some of the founding philosophers of libertarianism were women: Rose Wilder Lane, Isabel Patterson, and Ayn Rand come to mind. But the party as a whole has a limited number of desirable women, and a significant fraction of them posed in a "Ladies of Liberty" calendar in order to downplay the fact.
The small government Right has a similar problem; think Sexy Girls and Sexy Guns calendars.
Let's look into the basic biology as to why the Libertarian Party is a hard sell to women. Much will apply to smaller government movements in general, including assorted flavors of the Dissident Right.
Humans are not bears. Bears have tiny cubs which grow to the point of mobility while the mother bear hibernates. Bears can be feminists and individualists.
Humans have large babies which take years to become fully mobile. Human birth is difficult and anatomical compromises limit women's running ability and upper body strength. Women cannot run with wolves with a toddler in tow. Full on individualism is thus incompatible with human reproduction. Women with small children absolutely need help and protection -- from some combination of family, village, tribe, society, and/or government.
(A quick reminder to any feminists in the audience: humans are mammals. In a state of nature, nuclear families with co-equal parenting of the youngest is literally for the birds.)
A society with strong families and strong charities can get away with small government. Liberty thus requires a measure of social conservatism and altruism. Ayn's Rand's philosophy is thus incompatible with human liberty. At least for more than one generation...
This doesn't mean we need to go back to burkas or bonnets. The sweet spot for freedom is a society that extols and supports marriage, but also tolerates (while shaming) some naughtiness and irresponsibility.
Freedom and Free Love are incompatible. Free Love movements are generally associated with either very tight cults or calls for a Cradle to Grave welfare state,1 Physical love produces children. Someone needs to take care of them.
Conversely, a government that wants to indoctrinate children benefits from weak families. Today's Democrats promote perversion for reasons, and they aren't liberal.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand: when I dialed back my pure libertarianism and replaced it with a mix of libertarian populism and serious Christianity, my dating prospects improved dramatically, and I finally got married.
Fundamentalist Christianity is sexier than libertarianism unless you mix in easy abortion and techno-utopianism. (Read some Virginia Postrel. Bleah!)
The Dissident Right is also sexier than most forms of libertarianism, but there is still a Caring gap.
"I need muh tax cuts. Let a future generation pay for today's trillion dollar deficits," isn't exactly caring for The Children. Audition for future fatherhood failed.
Writing off global warming as a left wing conspiracy that goes all the way back to the late 1800s is once again rationalizing short term selfishness. Yes, it's happening more slowly that the fearmongers in the media have predicted. The activists are crying Wolf. But the trends are a threat to the young and/or future generations.
You can care without eating the bugs, or even driving an electric car. I have provided two Green Old Deals for you to choose from:
And maybe a bit of gentle geoengineering is in order.
With a world population passing 8 billion people, it's past time for a bit of game management on the high seas, anyway.
You can Care without calling for panic. Providing calm leadership is the heroic leading man thing to do. And there many who care about the environment who are weary of the pointless panic and wasteful virtue signaling. Michael Moore, of all people, executive produced a movie on the subject!
Leadership is Sexy Too
Rumor has it that leadership is useful for attracting a mate as well. Something to do with alpha males. Watch some gorilla documentaries or the original Star Trek. Or as Paul Begala put it:
"Politics is show business for ugly people"
-- Paul Begala
Granted, this could be an illusion. It could be that men with natural charisma, looks, muscles, etc. gravitate towards leadership positions.
But if Begala is right, I have more useful lessons coming in the next post. Lessons in leadership.
Leadership is learnable -- even for socially awkward cerebral types who lacked athletic prowess in their high school years. The International Communist Conspiracy exploited this fact and took over many a Western institution. The results of these takeovers persist long after the Soviet Empire has fallen.
A manual on how the Communists did it also persists, and I'll teach you some more lessons from that manual in the next post. A quarter century ago I started applying those lessons myself -- and they worked.
Notice that I wrote "some more lessons." I just taught you a very important lesson here in this post. Reread the section about Caring.2 If actually caring about the environmentalists I want you to lead bothers you, go back and [re]read all of posts on Rule 11. You can be a pretty hardcore Reactionary and still serve these environmentalists better than today's looney Leftists are doing. That should keep you busy until I get around to writing up the advanced lessons.
The young Robert Heinlein was to the left of Bernie Sanders. His first novel was an awful free love leftist utopia tour which mercifully wasn’t published until after his death. See “For Us, the Living” if you must.
See Ephesians 5:25 Relevant to both leadership and matrimony. More details in the next post.
Full on individualism is thus incompatible with human reproduction. Women with small children absolutely need help and protection -- from some combination of family, village, tribe, society, and/or government.
This is an interesting point. And with men currently on sabbatical, where else can they look but the State?
The "warming" hysteria is purest bunk and lunacy, but mouthing the words can help with actual issues like forestry and game animal management.