America Deserves Kamala Harris!
This message brought to you by Americans Against America. Not affiliated with any candidate or candidate committee.
A long time ago in a hippie town far, far away, some Libertarians of my acquaintance got tired of being ignored by their opponents. So they created some negative radio ads against themselves. Here is an example.
Pretty wacky. But wacky can be attention-getting.
Anyway, belatedly in this campaign season I just realized that we could use a similar idea to defeat Kamala Harris.
No, I don’t think we should be making silly negative ads against Donald Trump to get attention. Donald Trump does that already to get attention, and masterfully at that. Instead, we should invert the idea and run positive ads for Kamala Harris to draw attention to her.
“Wait a second!” you might object. “The Mainstream Media is giving Kamala Harris boatloads of attention!”
True, sort of, but the Mainstream Media is giving attention to her genetics, her background, her snark and sassy pantsuits. They are overlooking the real Kamala — especially her ideas and her record.
Thanks to help from the Mainstream Media and Donald Trump’s bad manners, millions of people are overlooking just how off-the-edge-radical that the Democratic Party has gone. And Kamala Harris was near the extreme Left edge of the Democratic Party way back when she ran for the party nomination in 2016. Our best hope to wake them up is to create pro Democratic astroturf groups which enthusiastically and openly endorse the radical and wacky nature of today’s Democratic agenda.
Consider the billboard above. It’s over the top extreme, but is it really much different from the mindset of our woke overlords? If we apply the concept of Equity universally, it logically follows that we should downgrade America’s lifestyle down to Third World levels in the pursuit of Equality of Outcome. And as the Tree of Woe has pointed out, our elites have a plan to do just that:
While “Americans Against America” does contradict the belated patriotic signalling the Democrats emitted during their latest national convention, it is completely in line with the flag burning and statue toppling orgy of four years ago — not to mention what liberal college professors have been teaching for decades. Were I to change this to “Americans Against Amerikkka”, my astroturf group might get a glowing profile in the New York Times. But since I also want to split off some Black votes, I don’t suggest going there.
Because guess who is being replaced the hardest: the Black descendants of slaves, that’s who. Blacks have already been replaced as the largest racial minority group. (Fun fact: Clarence Thomas is way Blacker than either Barack Obama or Kamala Harris.)
Now let’s look into some more targeted action. Since our goal is to win a close election, we need to target swing voters in swing states.
Winning the Rust Belt
We live in weird times. We have a Republican representing America’s working class and the Democrats representing the majority of billionaires. A transition is happening, but not fast enough. We need to help it along.
This is the most important message of all. Nearly two decades ago I was arguing with a local Republican radio talk show host that his arguments against illegal immigration made no sense. Illegal immigration is illegal because we had strict quotas on the number of legal immigrants. Raise the quotas and the vast majority of those illegals would come in legally. Illegal immigration, qua illegal immigration, is a paperwork crime like that which Trump is charged with in New York — unless you renew the reasons why we have immigration quotas in the first place.
While we on the Dissident Right can freely talk about IQs and incompatible cultures, such issues are not going to win us some last minute votes. But the issue of immigrants bidding down the price of labor is fair game. Even today’s Democrat leadership limits the number of work permits given out to the hordes of “refugees.” So we absolutely should run with this.
The Hardhats in the Rust Belt felt the hit from Kamala’s embrace of riots and looting — unlike the Limo Libs. Let’s run with that while we are at it:
Maybe I should have made the Walz name bigger. (Hey, let’s run this all over Minnesota. A Republican win in Minnesota would truly rock!)
While we are on the subject of dystopian cities, remind people of the enormous crowd Team D is inviting:
This is an important message for those priced out of a home — or stuck in traffic on our overcrowded expressways.
High prices and unemployed “refugees” create a homeless problem as well. This hits urban residents harder than suburban and rural. The Republican Party really needs to work on getting more urban votes.
Imagine Trump winning in New York City…
Shoring up the Suburban Vote
The suburban vote is split. In order to swing more votes to Trump, we need to feel the NIMBY side of the Force.
This sign is double-sided. Many voters — including Boomer Republicans — are cool with the Invasion as it does improve home prices for those fortunate enough to own a home. That’s what gives the sign above its credibility! The existence of Real Estate Agents for Refugees is not entirely unbelievable. Our goal here is not to win over psychopathic homeowners; it’s to draw attention to them.
The same goes for separating the Soccer Moms from the Psycho Moms:
Those who agree with this message aren’t going to vote for Trump. But there are lots of Soccer Moms who find Trump’s manner to be distasteful who are in denial of how much the public schools are in thrall to the fagcist agenda. They need a nudge.
On the other hand, signs of this nature might play better in The Hood:
There are boatloads of Black Christians who are actually Christians. They habitually vote Democrat in thanks for Lyndon Johnson’s Civil Rights efforts, but the tranny thing could cause some swings.
While we are still in Suburbia, let’s consider the Lavender RINOs at the country club. We need them to feel the Working Class’ pain:
Winning Some Ecotopian Votes
We are not going to win any Left Coast electoral votes. But we can win more popular votes, and this is important: the Constitution and the Electoral College are losing legitimacy. Going for a popular vote win is worth some effort.
California has a lot of NIMBYs and environmentalists. And serious environmentalism includes at least a hat tip to Thomas Malthus. This was explicit in the 70s when I was a kid. There be millions of greenies who got the same indoctrination I got when growing up, though they try to suppress it in the name of Political Correctness today.
In the privacy of the voting booth, there is no one to call you a racist for wanting to keep your nature trails uncrowded…
When I lived in city surrounded by beautiful national forests and parks, the local Progressives were all into trying to trying to discourage newcomers. For all their agitating for Low Income Housing, they worked mightily to throttle overall housing. They even opposed luxury high rise apartments downtown as that would affect “the viewshed”. They wanted a Wall, but were afraid to say it out loud.
I just want them to say it quietly in the voting booth…
Update: Steal These Ideas
I pushed this post out the door in a hurry as this is an idea I should have posted months ago — but didn’t think of it yet. Anyway, I forgot to write up how to use the above despite the lateness of the hour and then my Internet service went down.
Expect a follow-up post soon on how to make use of these ideas. In the meantime, please spread the word to assorted Republican players who might have connections in Conservative Inc. And feel free to use these memes and ideas when communicating with potential swing voters. No need for attribution there! Best ye not attribute the source, as I enjoy venting my spleen here. Not optimal outreach…
Sounds like you lived in 1970's Portland Oregon! I'm still here 🤣 and today they're nuttier than a squirrel turd in a peanut factory!
100%. Those signs should be all over America tomorrow. How do we make it happen?