I am not charismatic. You are not Borg. The tasks before us are daunting. So how do we get a movement started?
My answer from last post: get to work on those Rules which improve your life. I gave some examples, but I did not finish my list. Now I will do so, and then show you how to segue such self and family interested action into building a bigger movement. Finally, I'll point out one delicious bit of Low Hanging Fruit, a Rule which we can apply to actually affect public policy before we become anything close to a mass movement.
Make Money
"Go Woke; Go Broke" is a nice slogan, but it is meaningless without real competition -- unless you are willing to go full on Amish. If every big corporation is woke, then you have to drop out of the First World economy in order to punish the Woke.
Instead, apply Rule 2. Treat big corporate wokeness as an opportunity. A gigantic market has opened up for those who have the gumption to reuse proven business plans. A third of the the U.S. market is begging for fresh competition. This is the biggest opportunity since China opened up its markets. You want to become Bond villain rich? Here's your opportunity.
Take beer, for instance. It's fermented barley water + branding. The major brewers have just flushed away billions of dollars and decades worth of branding. Start local. The economies of scale aren't that high. Get your product served at drag racing or motorcycle related events. Hire some second tier bikini models and make some YouTube videos. Watch the movie Beer for inspiration -- and caution.
If you want to make your beer really macho, ditch the hops. Hops are loaded with phytoestrogens. Use an older beer recipe. The Germans switched to hops in order to get around the Catholic Church's monopoly on gruit ! (Gruit was a mixture of herbs and botanicals used to flavor beer.)
There, I just gave someone in the audience a potential billion dollar idea. When you are ready to become a Bond villain, let's talk...
Or consider going into retail. Target just shot itself in the naughty bits. The market is crying out for a new chain of general stores.
Yes, this is a rather scary idea. For years the rule in retail has been Go Big or Go Broke. But since going big these days means kowtowing to the fagcists at BlackRock, you have a big marketing advantage. And you can offset the big retailer's competitive buying power by simply not tolerating shoplifters.
And now I will reveal a simple secret you can use to compete without needing a giant store: Curate! Sell a good sampling of a wide variety of products. For example, don't sell products that stink:
Don't sell laundry detergents which need 8 rinsings in order to remove the smell.
Don't sell hand soap which has eye-burning fragrances.
Don't sell shaving creams with all day odor.
Don't sell the scented version of Damp Rid for closets.
Don't sell cheap plastic items with outgas horrible fumes.
Don't sell anything which has estrogen mimics.
There, I just saved you a hundred feet of shelf space.
Need more room? Don't sell crappe!
Don't sell toys which provide minutes of fun.
Don't sell things which you can buy at Food Lion.
Don't sell clothes that are basically billboards for fashion brands.
Don't sell badminton rackets with loose strings and handles that fall apart if you swing them.
Don't sell badminton nets with ten piece flimsy plastic poles.
Don't sell appliances which spy on consumers.
Don't sell furniture that falls apart if you look at it too hard.
Better yet, just say no to particle board.
Don't sell air conditioners which are loud enough to wake the dead.
Don't sell memory foam -- in anything.
I could go on. And I will go on in a future paywalled post.
Save Money
College has become really, really expensive -- but at least it's woke. Sending your child to college to gain wisdom and "find himself" is a recipe for five years wasted on a useless major with a side order of brainwashing.
College still can be useful for professional certification, and some departments teach meaningful lessons -- it varies by school. Shop carefully. An academically gifted student who knows what he or she wants to learn can still profit by going to a good college.
But few colleges teach wisdom and core thinking skills these days. Modern Indignation Studies classes teach the diametric opposite of ancient wisdom -- both Western and Eastern. For example, both Stoicism and Buddhism teach that emotions are a matter of internal attitude, and you can thus avoid unhappiness despite unpleasant circumstances. Modern Indignation Studies teach students to be angry or sad at microaggressions and other slights. They teach one to have the emotional resilience of a toddler. This is less that useless.
And as for literature classes to learn how to write clearly, have a look a the postmodern gibberish that the lit professors are writing in their professional journals.
So, for most students, you should seriously consider applying Rule 5: Teach More Practical Arts. Instead of piling on the extracurricular school activities in order to build a better college resume, have your kids go deep on a subject or few of their choice. Expose them to the world of grownups as well. Meaningful work. Encourage self-motivated learning before going near a four-year college.
And consider community college; it's cheap. And a trade well learned is more lucrative than most college degrees these days. Or you can save a boatload on a full college education by using community college as the first year or two of a four year degree. While this is not the path to a prestigious school, it is protection from the moral sewers that most four year colleges have become. Do not expect a modern college to responsibly act en loco parentis these days.
And unlike most liberal arts schools, community colleges have machine shops and whatnot. Even for the potential pencil pusher, a few artisan classes can provide better art instruction than a typical fine art class in a four year school. If I had the time, I'd go to the local community college for such classes myself.
While Rule 5 is a call for teaching practical arts earlier, it is also relevant for the student who wants to learn the liberal arts. Rule 5 is an invitation to rearrange the order of learning. Sometimes the prerequisites should come after beginning the application. Read all three parts, and give your children a true joy of learning and a head start on a career.
Save Your Soul
Jesus demanded that his followers do outreach. "Fortunately," we live in an age where you do not need to travel to a distant primitive land to find heathens to convert. Many of our nicest neighborhoods are filled with apostates, atheists, and the spiritually seeking.
Rule 7: Market Christianity to College Professors and Computer Nerds could prove useful for earning some treasures in Heaven for some of you reading this. Just some. If you are committing to doing things the way your denomination does them, or if you happen to like rock concert style church services, then you path to earning heavenly treasure lies elsewhere.
And for Christians in the audience who share my sensibilities, I freely admit that Rule 7 is incomplete, and will remain incomplete even after I write the remaining planned chapters for this Rule. This is a hard Rule, the hardest in the book.
But for some of you, it could be the most profitable... Treasure in Heaven is reputedly better than even Bond Villain levels of earthly wealth.
Now, Let's Build a Movement
Between this and the previous chapter, I have given you plenty of reason to act. But before you run off and start acting, let's look at how these actions can lead to a mass movement.
If someone reading this launches a new denomination or faction within a denomination in order to apply Rule 7, then the answer is obvious. Bringing the U.S. elite back to real Christianity would solve a great many problems.
Likewise, if someone reading this runs with the beer idea and gains Bond Villain wealth levels before our society collapses, the growth opportunities are myriad. You could fund many Reactionary organizations just as the Koch Brothers funded many libertarian organizations back in the 70s -- and still have money left over for sharks with lasers.
But what about the more humble Rule applications, those which preserve family, life savings, and hormone levels?
Question: do you have any friends? If so, there's your answer. In these two chapters I have shown you self-interested applications of several of the Rules. Show your friends the relevant applications and you are doing them a favor.
Do you have single friends in the gym trying to build manly muscles so they can stop being single? Point them to Rule 4.
Do you have freshly married friends who are preparing to start a family. Unless they want to raise autistic sexual deviants, Rule 4 could prove handy for them as well.
Do you have friends with children who might go to college? Warn them of the dangers and tell them the importance of Rule 3, so that their children don't become brainwashed strangers in the future.
Do you have friends who are homeschooling their children? Do you have friends who have children struggling with school? Rule 5 has many helpful ideas.
In some cases you can simply point your friends to the relevant chapter(s) here. In other cases you might want to paraphrase the lessons -- my style of writing here is not for everyone. And in yet other cases, a printout of the relevant chapter is in order. (You have my permission to reprint any non-paywalled chapter on this Substack as long as the web address is included.)
Don't just point, however. Follow up. If you are applying a Rule yourself, chat about what you are doing and how it is working. Ask your friends what they are doing. The goal is to get that initial action, which triggers further motivation.
In some cases that further motivation could be to tell others. Or it could be to read other Rules on this site. Exponential growth is possible, though not guaranteed.
To get a bit of network effect, it helps to target groups. Do you go to a gym run by a conservative? Perhaps a stack of Rule 4 printouts would be appropriate. Or if you participate in homeschool groups, some stacks of Rule 3 and Rule 5 printouts at an outreach table would be appropriate.
And last but not least, talk to your church leadership about Rule 3. The Old Testament and later Christian history have many embarrassing incidents -- especially if judged out of context. Churches should provide study groups on the history surrounding the Bible. The Bronze Age was a rough time all around. They didn't have mechanical slaves like we do. And when men fought with pointed sticks, you couldn't disarm a nation by taking away their tanks, planes, and or missiles. You had to take away their men of fighting age.
And Now, for a Bit of Delicious Low Hanging Fruit
We have a great deal to do with little immediate political payoff to show for it. The Right has neglected the Long Game and so this book is mainly about playing catch up.
But thanks to others -- Donald Trump in particular -- there is one big low-hanging fruit that is ripe for the picking, and we don't need a mass movement to pick it up. The Donald has taken care of the mass part. The Republican masses are convinced. The Republican elite are not.
And this is why Free Trade Isn't is Rule 1. The truck drivers and artisans who listen to talk radio have seen the Rust Belt rusting for years. Trump's protectionist message is a no-brainer. But the Republican think tankers, talking point crafters, intellectuals, and publishers have been using the phrase Free Enterprise for ages. And many of them have taken economics classes which "prove" that tariffs are destructive. These people cannot be persuaded by either rhetoric or raw data. They need theory or the MAGA agenda will go nowhere.
Remember, the Deep State is also theory driven. Bureaucrats need to be persuaded as well.
So, the task before you is targeted outreach. Show up at seminars. Network at conventions. Comment on blogs. Bring it up over beers at the country club. Make some economists read Free Trade Isn't. A populist leader needs intellectual elite staffers who are on the same side because they believe the principles, not because of personal loyalty.
We don't need a mass movement to do this. We just need some people with big brains, good writing skills, and a bit of mmph. I've seen plenty of the first two here on right-wing Substack. Anyone in the audience have any mmph?
Here are some smaller scale ideas to help get started --