actually, i believe it's gotten WAY simpler than all this. thanks to the Democratic Party going full on satanic, it's now a simple choice: vote Democrat & support satan 100%, or vote Republican & support satan to a lesser degree. regardless, there is no reforming Neo-Amerika because the masses are not interested in Natural Rights principles which are of the true God rather than the "god" of this world.

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There are some very good talking points in here which I will have to try out. Thanks!

FYI, some of your charts have backgrounds which are transparent, rather than white, making it impossible to read their black text on a machine in Dark Mode (as mine usually is)

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Thanks for the heads up! I will fix.

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Should be fixed now. Let me know if something is still wrong.

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It looks great on my end!

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No matter how we classify ourselves, we must fight against what looks like serfdom on the agenda. This is a "uniparty" agenda, but for different reasons. The so called Republicans want the cheap labor, while the so called Democrats want the votes, and both sides of the uniparty want CONTROL.

It has become obvious that our government no longer serves or cares about our interest. They serve the huge corporations, Big Ag, Big Pharma, Big Defense, etc...who write the bills that our representatives vote on, while giving us lip service.

What we have now is how Mussolini described Italian Fascism, where corporations and the government worked together, and he called "Corporatism". The WEF and other UN agencies, NGO's and our spook agencies have smoothed the path for them.

I was talking to my Democrat sister about this, while being careful not to single out one party as the perpetrator. After explaining the corporate capture of our politicians, I complained about how I had to sign up for several different channels to be able to watch the NFL this year. I noted that sports are most popular in blue collar and low income neighborhoods, and it was once a simple, and free, pleasure. That last line got her attention, I could tell by her eyes.

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For decades our political system was Democrats concentrated in the Lower Left (bigger government in the cause of equality) with Republicans in both of the Right quadrants. You had smaller government oligarchy types like Reagan and Steve Forbes, and Lower Right like the Bushes and Romney.

We had a systemic bias towards the serfdom quadrant.

With Trump pushing the Republican Party into the Upper Left quadrant, we should expect non-Republicans to eventually jump on board. And we should expect them to bring some ideas to the table, as Trump's agenda was incomplete. Part of the mission of this Substack is to present a more complete populist agenda. I'm playing think tank without budget.

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Sep 5Liked by Fabius Minarchus

You are doing a better job than any paid think tank I've ever seen. Of course, paid think tanks are working for their employer, so they are thinking inside a box instead of outside.

It's nice to find a substack without the author trying to impress us with his use of a thesaurus. It's annoying to read the kind of people who use obscure words that are meant to impress instead of relay information. To me, it comes off as insecurity.

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