Back during the presidential primaries, I voted for Ron Desantis over Donald Trump. While Trump deserved great credit for moving the Republican Party into the Populist Quadrant, he got pwned repeatedly by neocons, Zombie Reaganoids, and the Deep State while in office. His divisive style was giving the Democrats permission to unleash their Inner Whackdoodle. And after he was ballot stuffed voted out of office, the lawfare began.
Meanwhile, Ron Desantis displayed executive competence in Florida and used every crisis to advance the American Way. He gave homeowners permission to shoot looters after a hurricane. He gave drivers permission to bump protesters who block interstate highways. He took on campus DEI. He flew migrants to Martha's Vineyard to expose liberal hypocrisy.
And when he ran for president, Desantis didn't limit his platform to dealing with illegal immigration. He talked about reducing legal immigration and dealing with birthright citizenship.
Well, during the past week The Donald has been proving me wrong, bigly.
Clearly, he has been doing his homework during his four years out of office. He has taken the DeSantis model and cranked it up to eleven. He's:
Placed a heavy emphasis on personnel this time, doing most of his transition work at Mar-a-Lago instead of in government office buildings.
Instead of hiring bootlicking backstabbers, he has cut deals to turn opponents into allies. He has two former Democratic presidential candidates on his team, and he has already kept one his promises made at the Libertarian Party convention.
Pardoned the J6 protesters and the abortion protesters cruelly imprisoned by the previous demonic administration.
Finally saying "Your're fired!" to traitors within the federal bureaucracy.
Begun deportations, and he was quick to respond with tariffs and sanctions when Columbia's president refused his own citizens.1
Not only called for an end to all DEI programs in the federal government, he is going after federal contractors and grant recipients.
Not only reversed policies from the Zombie Biden Administration, he has gone all the way back to executive orders from LBJ.
And that's just Week 1.
For sources of the above, go to the White House web site and read the news releases. It's too much fun.
Is Fabius Minarchus Obsolete?
Trump is not applying a Fabian strategy -- at all. He's doing the exact opposite. He is using his temporary precarious perch in power to flood the zone and put America's enemies on the defensive. He is currently inside their OODA Loop. This is delightful and utterly unheard of by a modern Republican.
Even Reagan cucked now and then. During the campaign he had Big Tawk about cutting the size of government, defunding welfare queens, and balancing the budget. When he got into office his proposed budget contained domestic cuts which were pathetic compared to his campaign rhetoric. And those cuts were more than offset by his military buildup. I soon gave up on the Republican Party and became a Libertarian for the next quarter century.
Donald '47 is playing a much different game. He's making bold moves and big outrageous initial asks. Instead of limiting his demands to what he can realistically get, he is piling on to experimentally see what he can get away with. And instead of merely threatening his enemies, he is acting. He is taking away security clearances of intel bureaucrats who abused their positions. He is suspending the careers of DEI officers. He is demanding the release of all the information related to the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK.
It's not my strategy, but I'm loving it.
The yuge reason that it isn't my strategy is that it requires gobs of power, charisma, and a willingness to face down threats. I lack these resources, and few of my readers have them either.
But now that we have a leader who is leading a rout, it's time to shelve Fabian strategies and follow the leader. As such, I will temporarily slow down my article production and focus on getting a decent job -- now that it's legal to hire straight male WASPs. And the articles I will write will focus on areas where The Donald -- or any President -- cannot get it done. That is, I'm going to add to Rules 12 and 7, the religion related rules.
Follow the Leader, but Be Magnanimous
Winning is fun. It is tempting to gloat. Solomon says don't do that.
Pro 24:17 Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:
Pro 24:18 Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.
It is good to be winning for a change. It is good for the Left to taste true rollbacks. Team D needs a good humbling. And there are outright criminals who deserve some form of punishment.
But terror is a bad thing. Terror validates the fantasies of fascism coming out of the Democrat talking point factories. And we don't want to be setting precedents that future Democrats can use.
Let us maintain some humility. Our majority in the House is razor thin. We need to either gain some swing votes or help develop a new sane wing of the Democratic Party.
So when potential swing voters complain of too much rule through executive orders, sympathize with them. The Executive Branch is too powerful. We have unelected bureaucrats making rules which are effectively laws. Let's talk about moving lawmaking back to elected representatives. Better yet, let's move more of the government back to the states.
When they cry about the fate of those trapped in poor countries, just say "Make Columbia great again! Make El Salvador great again! Make Haiti great again!" And point out that setting a good example is useful towards these ends. And point out that cheap energy is a great form of foreign aid to most of the poorer countries of the world -- oil exporters like Venezuela excepted.
When they complain about global warming, admit that the current administration is not great on this issue. But it is not as bad as advertised. Destroying our core cities with unchecked crime is not exactly green. And pushing environmentally unfriendly global warming solutions like offshore windmills isn't green either. Donald Trump may not be good for delta smelt, but he's saving the right whale.
And some deregulation can be truly green. The quickest way to reduce fossil fuel emissions is to build more nuclear power plants. (Though even this may be an example of premature panic. Fingers crossed, but it appears that commercial nuclear fusion may truly just around the corner. )
So be happy and spread happiness. We'll get back to low gear action when the current administration hits some true resistance.
OK, this one may not survive an objective fact check. When I was reading a liberal blog, a commenter claimed that the Columbian president was complaining about conditions on our military transport. If so, both sides won. Columbians get better transport home and the Columbian government foots the bill. Win-win!
Very wise. Gloating never wins anyone to your side.
Exactly. Taking the high road now will set a precedent that could turn "lawmakers" back into statesmen and by devolving federal powers back to the states is the path that will make the Republicans more more likely to appeal to swing voters and put some "conservation" back into conservatives. Great post.